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Color Europe Photo luster 260 gram - A3, 25 sheet

Grafisk-Handel Photo luster 260 Gramm - 44" x 40 Meter
  • Preis bei 1 Stück32,00  €ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
Voraussichtliche Lieferzeit: 2 Tage

Sicher einkaufen

  • Nur 5 € Versand bis 20 kg innerhalb der EU*. Min. Bestellen Sie, um 5 € zu erhalten, der Versand beträgt 50 €

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Beschreibung von Color Europe Photo luster 260 gram - A3, 25 sheet

  • Our own Photo Luster paper is for all photographers and print studios that make photo prints.
    The paper itself is as you know it from other types of "Luster paper".
    It is a semi gloss photo paper, which when printed looks like the images you get from a traditional photo lab or photo shop.
    It is a 260 g/m² photo paper, which we have had produced by one of Europe's leading paper manufacturers.

    It is used, for example, for photos, posters, sales material in shops.

    Here you will be able to see there money to save on your photo prints. Completely without compromising on quality.
    Our rolls are as long as 40 meters, so it is important you look m2 the price.

    Unlike many other rolls of photo paper on the market, we have chosen to make the rolls as long as possible.
    Both to keep the price per m2 as attractive as possible, but also so you get fewer shifts in your production.

    Also available in other sizes or cut to size on request.
    Requires purchase of larger quantities. Please contact us for more information.


    - 260 g/m² photo paper
    - Can be used for both black and white and colour prints
    - Soft surface with light skin in the paper surface.
    - Luster surface
    - Optimised for inkjet printing on Epson, Canon and HP

    ICC profiles

    You can download ICC profiles for the most common printers from Epson and Canon here. Download
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    Fuld service og support
    Vi hos Grafisk-Handel har over 50 års erfaring inden for branchen, og vi er dermed eksperter indenfor området.
    Derfor tilbyder vi gratis telefonisk support på alle produkter købt hos os gennem hele produktets levetid!
    Så hvis du er i tvivl eller oplever problemer, så kontakt til os på mail eller telefon.
  • Grafisk-Handel Photo luster 260 Gramm - 44" x 40 Meter
    Our own Photo Luster paper is for all photographers and print studios that make photo prints.
    The paper itself is as you know it from other types of "Luster paper".
    It is a semi gloss photo paper, which when printed looks like the images you get from a traditional photo lab or photo shop.
    It is a 260 g/m² photo paper that we have had produced by one of Europe's leading paper manufacturers.
    16,00 € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
  • Umweltbeitrag
    Umweltbeitrag – Gemeinsam übernehmen wir Verantwortung für die Umwelt
    Wir glauben nicht, dass wir die Gebühren und zusätzlichen Steuern, die Ihnen als Kunden auferlegt werden, durch eine Erhöhung unserer Preise verschleiern sollten. Auf Rechnungen sehen Sie daher, dass eine Steuer erhoben wurde.
    1,00 € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
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