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multiLight und moduLight

Just Normlicht multiLight und moduLight FarbprüfleuchtenJust Normlicht multiLight und moduLight Farbprüfleuchten

    DLS moduLight 2-1700 Beweglicher Ständer
    Varenr.: 112343
    • 1.198,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    DLS multiLight 4-1200 v8 Upgrade FarbproofStation 3B (Hauptexternes Tastenfeld)
    Varenr.: 112345
    • 4.807,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    DLS multiLight 4-1200 v8 Upgrade Virtuelle Proofstation (Haupt-externes Tastenfeld)
    Varenr.: 112344
    • 4.722,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    DLS multiLight 6-1200 v8 Erweiterung (B) 150 x 200 cm
    Varenr.: 112340
    • 7.339,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    DLS MultiLight 6-1200 v8 Haupt externes Tastenfeld (W)
    Varenr.: 112339
    • 7.641,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    DLS multiLight 6-1700 v8 Haupt externes Tastenfeld (W)
    Varenr.: 112341
    • 8.950,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    DLS multiLight 6-1700 v8 Verlängerung (W) - 200 x 200 cm
    Varenr.: 112342
    • 8.648,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    Lieferung 14 Tage
    Just Normlicht LED moduLight 1-1200 - 100 x 40 cm
    Varenr.: 91659
    No operating hours meter, no expensive replacement lamps, and no more red warning lamps. Now you can match colours withour worrying for years. The LED luminaire combines the high illuminance level of diodes with special Fresnel lenses for optimum homogeneity in illumination and minor reflection behavior. The continuously high light quality of the LEDs far exceeds the minimum requirements according to ISO 3664:2009 and ISO 3668. The mix of multiple coloured LEDs generates an even more harmonious and complete light spectrum than that of conventional fluorescent lamps.
    • 1.661,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    Lieferung 14 Tage
    Just Normlicht LED moduLight 1-1700 - 160 x 40 cm
    Varenr.: 91662
    No operating hours meter, no expensive replacement lamps, and no more red warning lamps. Now you can match colours withour worrying for years. The LED luminaire combines the high illuminance level of diodes with special Fresnel lenses for optimum homogeneity in illumination and minor reflection behavior. The continuously high light quality of the LEDs far exceeds the minimum requirements according to ISO 3664:2009 and ISO 3668. The mix of multiple coloured LEDs generates an even more harmonious and complete light spectrum than that of conventional fluorescent lamps.
    • 2.114,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    Lieferung 14 Tage
    Just Normlicht LED moduLight 1-800 - 70 x 40 cm
    Varenr.: 91657
    No operating hours meter, no expensive replacement lamps, and no more red warning lamps. Now you can match colours withour worrying for years. The LED luminaire combines the high illuminance level of diodes with special Fresnel lenses for optimum homogeneity in illumination and minor reflection behavior. The continuously high light quality of the LEDs far exceeds the minimum requirements according to ISO 3664:2009 and ISO 3668. The mix of multiple coloured LEDs generates an even more harmonious and complete light spectrum than that of conventional fluorescent lamps.
    • 1.500,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    Lieferung 14 Tage
    Just Normlicht LED moduLight 2-1200 - 100 x 80 cm
    Varenr.: 91660
    No operating hours meter, no expensive replacement lamps, and no more red warning lamps. Now you can match colours withour worrying for years. The LED luminaire combines the high illuminance level of diodes with special Fresnel lenses for optimum homogeneity in illumination and minor reflection behavior. The continuously high light quality of the LEDs far exceeds the minimum requirements according to ISO 3664:2009 and ISO 3668. The mix of multiple coloured LEDs generates an even more harmonious and complete light spectrum than that of conventional fluorescent lamps.
    • 2.970,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    Lieferung 14 Tage
    Just Normlicht LED moduLight 2-1700 - 160 x 80 cm
    Varenr.: 91663
    No operating hours meter, no expensive replacement lamps, and no more red warning lamps. Now you can match colours withour worrying for years. The LED luminaire combines the high illuminance level of diodes with special Fresnel lenses for optimum homogeneity in illumination and minor reflection behavior. The continuously high light quality of the LEDs far exceeds the minimum requirements according to ISO 3664:2009 and ISO 3668. The mix of multiple coloured LEDs generates an even more harmonious and complete light spectrum than that of conventional fluorescent lamps.
    • 3.806,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    Lieferung 14 Tage
    Just Normlicht LED moduLight 2-800 - 70 x 80 cm
    Varenr.: 91658
    No operating hours meter, no expensive replacement lamps, and no more red warning lamps. Now you can match colours withour worrying for years. The LED luminaire combines the high illuminance level of diodes with special Fresnel lenses for optimum homogeneity in illumination and minor reflection behavior. The continuously high light quality of the LEDs far exceeds the minimum requirements according to ISO 3664:2009 and ISO 3668. The mix of multiple coloured LEDs generates an even more harmonious and complete light spectrum than that of conventional fluorescent lamps.
    • 2.326,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    Lieferung 14 Tage
    Just Normlicht LED moduLight 3-1200 - 100 x 120 cm
    Varenr.: 91661
    No operating hours meter, no expensive replacement lamps, and no more red warning lamps. Now you can match colours withour worrying for years. The LED luminaire combines the high illuminance level of diodes with special Fresnel lenses for optimum homogeneity in illumination and minor reflection behavior. The continuously high light quality of the LEDs far exceeds the minimum requirements according to ISO 3664:2009 and ISO 3668. The mix of multiple coloured LEDs generates an even more harmonious and complete light spectrum than that of conventional fluorescent lamps.
    • 4.722,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    Lieferung 14 Tage
    Just Normlicht LED moduLight 3-1700 - 160 x 140 cm
    Varenr.: 91664
    No operating hours meter, no expensive replacement lamps, and no more red warning lamps. Now you can match colours withour worrying for years. The LED luminaire combines the high illuminance level of diodes with special Fresnel lenses for optimum homogeneity in illumination and minor reflection behavior. The continuously high light quality of the LEDs far exceeds the minimum requirements according to ISO 3664:2009 and ISO 3668. The mix of multiple coloured LEDs generates an even more harmonious and complete light spectrum than that of conventional fluorescent lamps.
    • 5.326,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    Lieferung 10 Tage
    Just Normlicht DLS Color proofLight 6B
    Varenr.: 102216
    - Einzigartige JUST LED-Technologie, Fogra-zertifiziert nach ISO 3664:2009, Patent Nr. US 8.592.748 B2
    - Austauschbar: D50 und D65 jeweils mit und ohne UV-Komponente zur Farbabstimmung gemäß den alten und neuen ISO 3664- und ISO 3668-Standards
    - NUR UV: UV-A zum Detektieren optischer Aufheller
    - Kontinuierliche Dimmung und USB-Schnittstelle für Softproofing
    - Keine Farbverschiebung bei Dimmung
    - Keine Aufwärmphase nach dem Einschalten
    - 20-mal längere Betriebsstunden als Leuchtstoffröhren (> 50.000 Stunden) stabile Lichtverhältnisse während der gesamten Lebensdauer
    - Kein Schlauchwechsel erforderlich
    - Extrem gleichmäßige, blend- und reflexfreie Beleuchtung durch prismatische Linsen
    - ISO-konforme Beleuchtungsstärke von 2000 Lux
    - Farbwiedergabe (CRI) Ra ≥ 95
    - Präzise Farbkoordinaten (10°):
    - D50: x = 0,3478 / y = 0,3595 (≤ 0,002)
    - D65: x = 0,3138 / y = 0,3309 (≤ 0,002)
    - Niedriger Metamerismusindex im sichtbaren Bereich: ≤ 0,8 (MIvis)
    - Niedriger Metamerismusindex im
    • 4.017,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    Lieferung 10 Tage
    Just Normlicht DLS multiLight 5-1200 v8 Extension
    Varenr.: 102207
    • 6.232,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    Lieferung 10 Tage
    Just Normlicht DLS multiLight 5-1200 v8 Main extern Keypad
    Varenr.: 102206
    • 6.534,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    Lieferung 10 Tage
    Just Normlicht DLS multiLight 5-1700 v8 Extension
    Varenr.: 102209
    • 7.239,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    Lieferung 10 Tage
    Just Normlicht DLS multiLight 5-1700 v8 Main extern Keypad
    Varenr.: 102208
    • 7.591,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    Lieferung 10 Tage
    Just Normlicht DLS tableTop Viewer 0B
    Varenr.: 102219
    • 2.849,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
    Lieferung 10 Tage
    Just Normlicht DLS tableTop Viewer 3B
    Varenr.: 102220
    • 3.655,00  € ohne MwSt. und umweltbeitrag
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